

Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International is the world’s largest Christian business men’s organization, networking thousands of members in more than 85 nations through over 5,000 local chapters. Besides providing a forum for contact, sharing experiences and exchange of ideas in fellowship, we also promotes Christian values in the marketplace , in communities and the home. We are businessmen and professionals, who have come to discover the value of God in our lives in very personal and practical ways, and love to share and enrich our life changing experiences together.

Full Gospel
Because we believe in the Bible – that it is God’s word to us that can challenge, inspire, equip, guide and give insight into God and his values and his Kingdom. We believe in and demonstrate the power of God in our lives in miracle healing, speaking in tongues and powerful deliverance.

Business Men
Laymen, ordinary people, becoming extraordinary through the power of the Holy Spirit. The group was started when Demos Shakarian, who was from Armenian background and living in the USA, saw a lack of men involved in Christian work. God gave him a vision to see men mobilized and equipped to be the men God called and destined them to be. As he was a business man he reached other business men with the good news that God was for them and loves them – his main vision was to see men involved in this and other Christian work. The ladies also have an important part to play as well and a “Ladies of the Fellowship” exists to equip ladies to reach other ladies with the Good News about the love of God.

A group of people who love to get together and witness the love, the compassion, the reality of Jesus Christ. We meet , work and pray together usually in a friendly environment (mainly in restaurants and hotels over a meal). It is a platform for those who want to find out more about the Christian faith other than a church building.

The whole world. All flesh. A deep concern for every nation and every race. The original vision that Demos had was of normal everyday people standing shoulder to shoulder around the world united as God’s people bringing hope and love to a needy world. FGBMFI is now in over hundred and forty two nations with hundreds of thousands of members and supporters.

What We Do Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International tries to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by means of personal testimony (speaking about experiences) in the place of work. Local meetings (or Chapters) are organized regularly where members and non-members can come together (usually at a restaurant or hotel) and share experiences and encourage one another in the Christian faith. Wives may also attend these meetings. Many chapters are involved in arranging training workshops and seminars for their members and in some cases non-members are invited to these. These programs are in accordance with the aims of FGBMFI in that we undertake to train and equip our members and to strengthen them in their faith and witness. Regarding our relationship to churches, part of the purpose of FGBMFI is to bring greater unity among all Christians. A chapter is a place in which men from all denominations can join together in fellowship and in outreach to the town (or towns in their locality). The greater the number of different denominations or fellowships in a town that are represented in the chapter, the greater will be the unity of the local believers. A member of FGBMFI is normally expected to identify or be a member of a local church. We are not a church ourselves, nor aspire to be a church.