Who We Are


Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) is the world’s largest Christian business men’s organization, networking thousands of members in more 85 nations through over 7,000 local chapters.

Besides providing a forum for contact, sharing experiences and exchange of ideas in fellowship, it also promotes Christian values in the marketplace, in communities and the home. We are businessmen and professionals, who have come to discover the value of God in our lives in very personal and practical ways, and love to share and enrich our life changing experiences together.

FGBMFI – Ghana was first launched on 9th February 1977 in Ghana and was formally incorporated on 29th October, 1984. To know our full history and that fulfilling story of a movement sweeping across the nations and transforming lives, get a copy of our book, “The Happiest People on Earth,” read by millions of people and translated into 25 languages.

Our Mission

  1. To reach men in all nations for Jesus Christ.

  2. To call men back to God.

  3. To help believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and to grow spiritually

  4. To train and equip men to fulfill the Great Commission.

  5. To provide an opportunity for Christian fellowship.

  6. To bring greater unity among all people in the body of Christ.

Our Vision

Our vision for the Fellowship is based upon a series of prophetic messages given over a period of time and confirmed by a literal vision from God.

In the vision, untold masses of men from every continent and nation, of all races and diverse culture and costume, once spiritually dead, are now alive. Delivered and set free, they are filled with the power of God’s Holy Spirit, faces radiant with glory, hands raised, and voices lifting their praises to heaven. We see a vast global movement of laymen comprised of millions of men being used mightily by God to bring this last great harvest through the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.